The dissemination

The dissemination is important to deliver information of the results of the project and the use of qualifications, validations and exams for certification. It will be important to use all channels through the EFNMS and its National Maintenance Societies to reach out.

The dissemination activities start short after the project has started. A part of the market acceptance is related to political activities. These processes take long time to carry out. Public authorities take time to convince. Normally it will take three to five years. Therefore the commercial market will be quicker to accept but without support from the school system with adapted courses related to develop qualifications the implementation will go to slow.

Marketing plan

The marketing plan was developed when the project was started. The connection with EFNMS 23 member countries needed time for introduction, forming adapted activities per country and international overview for cooperation partners. The most important group to influence is stakeholders such as HR-personnel, technical and maintenance personnel in the industry.

Another important area to influence is education with vocational schools and universities. From this area is difficult to have a quick response. The quickest ways is to change in existing courses. Unfortunately only a few universities in Europe have maintenance oriented courses.

The work in Europe in relation to Industry 4.0 has had positive effect on modern production using automation and reliable maintenance. Production without costly stop and defect products will be the best way for Europe to be reindustrialized. High standard for personnel in maintenance are one tool in this process. This project is one important step in this process. If the industry can identify a cost effective way to improve the manpower they will use it.

The project members and EFNMS is involved in development of Asset management following ISO 55000 family. A part of these activities are related to overall maintenance understanding in the complete process from early planning through investments, production, maintenance and scraping/settlement.

The EFNMS´s role
The project team will also communicate through the EFNMS homepage as a part of dissemination of the results. All partners have also homepages and the results will be shown in actual countries.

After project start the project goal will be presented at EFNMS homepage. This is an important part of marketing activities aimed at the international maintenance market. Involved national maintenance societies will also show the project´s proceedings and results on their homepages.

There is an increased demand for certified maintenance personnel throughout Europe and thanks to the compliance to the EFNMS Body of Knowledge (BoK), European CEN standards and the EFNMS exam used for this the dissemination will be easier to achieve. 

Twice a year the EFNMS has a Genereal Assembly with a common meeting and committee meetings. These meetings are very important for dissemination results from this project. The NMS´s has also national maintenance conferences where the result will be presented.

At the EFNMS congress EuroMaintenance in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, June 14 - 16 2021, results from the intellectual outputs will be shown. This is one example how to disseminate the project outside the formal system regulated in this project.

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