The Czech Maintenance Society
Campus of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
Kamýcká 872, 165 00, Praha - Suchdol, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 383 268
E-mail: info@udrzba-cspu.cz
Web: www.udrzba-cspu.cz
The Slovenian Maintenance Society
Stegne 21c, 1000 Ljublana, Slovenia
Phone: 01 511 30 06
Fax: 01 511 30 07
E-mail: tajnik@drustvo-dvs.si
Web: www.drustvo-dvs.si
The Icelandic Maintenance Society
EVS, Hafnargötu 91, 230 Reykjanesbær, Iceland
E-mail: contact@evs.is
Web: www.evs.is
The Hungarian Maintenance Society
2824 Várgesztes Vadászdomb u. 26
Phone: +36 30 2744859
e-mail: nyste.zsolt@miksz.org
Web: www.miksz.org